Cool sims 4 mods
Cool sims 4 mods

  • Funeral Event Mod: In the Sims 4, death can seem a little inconclusive.
  • With this addon, you get to follow your sims to school and complete tasks with them!
  • Go to School: This mod needs the Get to Work expansion pack, but it helps make school much more interactive.
  • Once again, it helps make your Sims 4 game more realistic. It adds Prom as an event that your sims can go to.
  • Prom Mod: This mod is exactly how it sounds.
  • SimDa Dating App: Pick your sim’s date! Send them on a blind date! This mod just makes dating in the sims so, so much easier.
  • Why wasn’t this just in the original base game? With this mod, kid sims will be able to do stuff that real human children can like learning how to play the guitar or paint.
  • Talented Kids Mods: Sick of your kid sims not being able to do anything or learn anything? We all are.
  • Again, this mod is super complex and incredibly fun.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: How much do you love The Walking Dead? So much that you want your sims to live through it? Same.
  • cool sims 4 mods

    Slice of Life was created to make Sims 4 more realistic.

  • Slice of Life: This mod isn’t for everyone, but it’s incredibly complex and worth a try.
  • This mod gives users ultimate control over the game. The most famous of all Sims 4 mods, you get to choose what to enable from an endless amount of options. If you don’t have it, download it right now.
  • MC Command Center: This is an absolute must have.
  • Here is a list of the best mods you can add into your game to maybe make it feel just a little bit new. No Sims 4 game is complete without quality mods. But is anyone else tired of making your Sims do the same boring activities again and again and again and again?

    cool sims 4 mods

    Social distancing brought many of us back to the sims.

    Cool sims 4 mods