Kotor 2 vogga door
Kotor 2 vogga door

kotor 2 vogga door

and collect a tidy sum from Vogga.» ―Visquis to the Bounty Hunter Mira

kotor 2 vogga door

Hanharr and I reached an agreement to deal with Goto altogether. Second, I am not acting on Goto's orders-not anymore. It is something I discovered by accident, and have tested many times since to ensure accuracy. One, everything that goes on in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr is invisible to Goto. What you know is substantially less than what I know. « Ah, what a prime example of human arrogance. In his lounge was the entrance to his secret headquarters, which contained a dimly-illuminated maze with lethal gases and a jamming system to ensure that datapad maps were rendered useless. It was a private lounge used by the Quarren Exchange crime lord Visquis, and thus it was locked to anybody but Visquis and his servants. The fifth chamber was non-toxic and contained no harmful fumes even to Humans.

kotor 2 vogga door

It was likely that the gas in these two rooms was ammonia from their home planet Gand. A second toxin room lay to the north of this, and both areas were almost entirely used by the insectoid Gand only. To the east of the infrared chamber was a green room of particularly toxic gases. Because of this, this chamber was frequently inhabited by Twi'leks and Weequays alike. Adjacent to the west of this chamber was the yellow, arid room, designed to simulate the harsh climate of worlds such as Ryloth and Sriluur. This area was favored by species that could perceive the infrared, such as the Devaronians and Trandoshans. Upon entering, a customer would arrive at the infrared chamber, which was a red light. The Jekk'Jekk Tarr was divided into five sections, each illuminated with a different light that represented the environment it simulated. " Humans should stay out of Jekk'Jekk Tarr if they know what's good for them." ―A bouncer, to Meetra Surik

Kotor 2 vogga door