Related: How Long to Beat & Complete The Witcher 3 Looting the skeleton will give you the diagram and a letter pointing you to the Steel Sword Diagram.

After dealing with a few gargoyles and an ice elemental, there will be a room located east with a skeleton and a letter. The Silver Sword Diagram is the easiest to get to when you first arrive on Skellige, as it's located north of Rogne in Fort Etnir.

To begin the hunt for the gear, Ibrahim Savi, Kaer Trolde's armorer, sells maps that will give you the location markers or finding one of the first diagrams will locate the rest. They are located in Skellige, but it's recommended to wait until at least level 20 before beginning the quests. Like all of the Witcher's armor, you need to find the base diagrams first to upgrade the Ursine to a powerful Mastercrafted level. Related: The Witcher 3: 5 Side-Quests Every Player Should Complete Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear Along the way, though, they'll find upgrades for the silver and steel swords. From there, players will have to find and complete the Bear School Armor, from initial base gear to Mastercrafted level.

To complete the Witcher's Armor, the player will need to unlock the services of Yoana, the Master Armorer located in Crow's Perch, then find the diagrams for the armor and their upgrades.

If six pieces are worn, damage dealt by abilities involving the Quen sign increases by 200%. However, Geralt may be able to craft Ursine Witcher's Armor, the armor of the School of the Bear, which offers high protection levels and combat bonuses, along with unique bonuses for wearing a full set. Wearing at least three of the pieces will enable a chance for a new Quen shield to cast when an old one shatters with no stamina cost. In The Witcher 3, quality armor can be hard to come by, and most sold by merchants or armorers can be generic and low level.